Reef Sport Reef Friendly Sunscreen Pre-Pack - Sprays (21pcs) + Lip Sticks (24pcs)
Retail Value @ SRP = $312.00+ (@35% MSRP)
Reef Sport Suncreens offer the latest technology for Reef Friendly suncreen with the following removed from the formulas. Safe for the water but most enjoyable for the land. Sprays apply as a Dri-Mist for the easy 360 degree protection. What a fun little counter display unit.
Oxybenzone Free
Octinoxiate Free (except SPF 70)
Tanning Oil contains Botanicals / Aloe / Vitamins and rich tropical scent
Aloe-Ahhh contains "lidocaine" for the best burn relief or razor irritation prevention!
Lip Balm w/ SPF contains Organic Aloe & Hemp for Chapped / Dry / Sunburnt Lips
Zinc Stick w/SPF contains pure Zinc for Face / Nose / Ears / Lips
Pre-Pack includes the following products in one self-contained shipper.
SPF 30 Spray - 6pcs (SRP = $12.99)
SPF 55 Sport Spray - 6pcs (SRP = $12.99)
SPF 70 Spray - 6pcs (SRP = $12.99)
SPF 50 Kids Spray - 3pcs (SRP = $12.99)
SPF 30+ Lip Balm - 24pcs (SRP = $2.49)
SPF 15 Lip Zinc - "can add" (SRP = $2.99)
Suncare sunscreen sunblock suntan tan tanning continuous spray lotion reef friendly reef safe